I had a wonderful time at Top Slip this Diwali weekend.. Its a beautiful place, about a couple of hours drive from Pollachi, TamilNadu.. Visited places like Valparai, Kadambarai.
Top Slip is a forest reserve.. couldn't see many wild animals except the elephant, different varieties of monkeys and a family of wild boars.. we learnt belatedly that we need to stay there the night to get a glimpse of other animals...
Valparai was a wonderful place, nice and chilly climate, a light drizzle..
We had good fun getting wet on the tiny water falls here and there..
Had to go throug 40 hairpin bends to reach there!!

I had this gr8 opportunity to visit the Hydro-electric power plant in Kadambarai.. Situated at abt 1000m above sea level, its a fabulous place.. They've blasted out tons and tons of rock to build the plant. Tunnelled 1.2 km into the mountains.. and the machinery and the danger involved for the workers there.. it was absolutely terrifying to see the force of all the water which is used by the plant to generate a whopping 11 KV of electricity!!! I was humbled by all that work..
I decided never again to complain when there is a power cut.. Now I know how much it takes to generate the electricity for our day-to-day needs..and how much risk those workers are taking to give us that power..
Humbled eh - by a Hydro-electric power plant ? hmmm.. am waiting for that precious moment when u'll see the 'REAL' danger of using Enriched Plutonium in the upcoming Nuclear Power Plant.. That, my friend, wud be a danger.
hmm.. so, u did hv a gud time.. wheres ur next trip to ?
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