Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You may see the target, but have to cross the gap to reach it.

He trudges along, one weary step after another,following the steps of the hazy shadow leading his way. His mind is unable to comprehend anything anymore. He looks up and around, blinking in the unforgiving harsh lights. He could see a myriad of colorrs around him, in his mind's eye. Was it real or imagined? He knew somewhere deep down that the end is near. There!! he could see it! The destination is near! The red sign marks it! With renewed hope he follows the shadowy figure.
He hears a voice asking him something..the voice.. he knows the voice.. very familiar..it is coming from the shadow.. his brain barely registers a few words, "do..think..that..look..me?".
Wait! the blurred figure has started moving away from the destination. No! He can't take it anymore!! He shakes his head in frustration and groans in anguish. His hopes dashed, he resigns himself to his fate, a broken man.He knows that there is no way out now, not for another one hour atleast.
The figure stops looks at him and again and asks "Honey, do you think this dress will look good on me? umm.. How about this one?"

Life goes on :)

Now read the title again
You MACY the TARGET, but have to cross the GAP to reach it. ;)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Its a great loss.. I realy didn't know I would feel this much for him.. Tom is gone.. I would never see him look at me with his soft black-brown eyes again with his head tilted to one side... i think of all the great times I spent with him.. Here I am, half-way 'round the world and I'd never get see him alive again...
Yes, with great sorrow i anounce that my cat Tom has passed away..Heard from my parents that he had a very painful death unable to recover from an attack by a couple of dogs.. Yeah, the dogs got him this time... I'll spare you the gory details..'

He had been my silent companion in times of trouble...
will miss you my friend..


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