Monday, July 14, 2008

The Larynx...

... is an interesting part of the human body. Of course, there are other parts definitely more interesting, but for the sake of this post let's examine the larynx. God, in His infinite wisdom, has varied the performance capacity  of each individual larynx. While some produce just a feeble sound at their maximum capacity,  others can literally shatter the unfortunate ear drum that gets too close. Of the above, the latter one is the topic of this post. The larynx in question belongs to a particular Russian gentleman, who sits across me in his own cubicle at my work place. Generally the cubes at work are so designed to give the worker a semblance of privacy. True, it blocks out the view since photons, you see, are honest particles and always take the straight path. But the sound waves are devious little things which can find the narrowest of crevices and move forth to assault the next available ear drum.
This particular gentleman, under discussion, has a great tendency to discuss his professional, financial and personal details on the phone at the top of his voice and that too in a deep Russian accent. The language he uses doesn't really matter. Whether his native Russian or the heavily accented English, his larynx delivers every word clear and sharp for all to hear, blissfully unaware that the noise it is generating is a cross between a whining motor vehicle on a wrong gear and a metal prong scrapped across a blackboard.
It is also unaware that the few unfortunate souls inside the affected radius are close to a nervous breakdown every time the phone rings at its masters desk or he picks it up himself and says 'HellloooWWW??' to initiate a conversation. The noise jars the brain cells of those around and temporarily causes all activities, thought processes to stop. One can see, in the eyes of each of these persons, the craving, the desire to shut this person up by any means possible. Some, who have endured longer, have a dangerously sadistic look in their eyes, that suggests something more violent and imaginative.
It is not long before somebody loses their cool. Someone has to put an end to this in a peaceful way before someone else reacts violently which might spark an international incident involving the CIA and whatever remains of the KGB.


Vaidegi J said...

that made a lovely read! :) i somehow use to love hearing the russian language in those long-time-ago late night foreign movies in DD! With lots of r's and a somehow gurgling musical note to it! that doesnt seem to be the case here though!! :)

Anonymous said...

Actually...after listening to Iranians speak parsi.. It's amazing to hear how well they use their "larynx"( I'm still figuring out how to pronounce the word correctly! :P) Even arabs for the matter...

Is it the larynx that we should be blaming here? What about a simple high pitched talking when calling back home - no matter how clear the line is! :D

I guess out of good will and yearly Dhanam Dharamam session hand out some good ear plugs as precaution :P Include the speaker with a message too! :P

Anonymous said...

@onlooker: Hey! thanks for visiting. Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against the language, but its his voice. Unfortunately he turned out to be a Russian. You are right about the language though. I remember the lovely Tatiana Romanova, with her musical Russian accent who defects to the West in James Bond's, From Russia with Love.

Anonymous said...

Thats a great idea. I'll start the dhana dharmam next week. And i was wondering about the word Larynx too. At one point I needed to use the plural of the word and I didn't know what it was so never got to use it. I couldn't look it up coz I was sitting on a plane and composing this post on my Blackberry. Later I came to know it is 'Larynges'.

KC! said...

oru nimisham I was tensed...ennada, is this our inimical biology-nu :)) We used to have a guy in Bangalore who sits right in the midde of that huge floor, and yet can make every ear on that floor hear his conversation with his friends :)

Anonymous said...

@Usha: Yup. It takes all kinds of ppl to make this world. I know so much abt this Russian guy nowadays. For example, everyone knows what his daughters name is, how old she is and where she is working etc :)

Tys on Ice said...

i had this russian dude who was our trainer in my gym....bloddy big guy whose past time was getting me into going one on one with him on the bench press...almost gave me hernia...the worst part of the stream of russian bad words tht sounded like some army commands barked each time he lifted...almost broke my ear drum also...but then u can never say these guys were the words of boneym, these russians.

Anonymous said...

"photons are honest guys, and take the straight path" hahahahaaha

ore the fun read!

Anonymous said...

@RR: Hey, Thanx for dropping by :)


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